Thursday, July 23, 2009

Pure pleasure gardening

Hello Kith and Kin,
As I promised, you will now be introduced to pure pleasure vegetable gardening. I hate vegetable gardening. I know that comes as a surprise to many of you but it is the truth. Planting is enjoyable; harvesting is enjoyable and putting by is the most fun but all that stuff in between is the pits. Weeding, sweating, spraying, sweating, pulling, sweating. Not worth it. Why did I do it for so long? Hey, I am a country woman and that is what one does. I found a better way. Just look at the wonderful vegetables I grow. We are eating tomatoes

and peppers
and green beans
and will start on patty pan squash if the promises of that venerable plant are achieved.
Well how does this happen almost work free? Plant in double rinse tubs. No bending, no sweating. If I want enough to put by, I will visit the farmer's market. You can do this on a roof top I image. This is the way I am going from now on! And last but not least here is my golden delicious apple tree giving her all.

I am on a campaign to eliminate grass. What a waste. My perennial garden now has my heart and work. We have 13 perennial foods, count them. Mulberries, raspberries, Jerusalem artichokes, asparagus, grapes, horseradish, rhubarb, apples, pears, apricots, plums, peaches, strawberries. They don't all produce every year but someone is always giving. If I am going to plant a tree it better give me more than shade.

One of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it provides. ~W.E. Johns, The Passing Show

Happy gardening.

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